The map–territory relation describes the relationship between an object and a representation of that object. Polish-American scientist and philosopher Alfred Korzybski remarked that "the map is not the territory", encapsulating his view that an abstraction derived from something, or a reaction to it, is not the thing itself. Korzybski held that many people do confuse maps with territories, that is, confuse models of reality with reality itself."(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Map%E2%80%93territory_relation) In thinking about how I would go about doing this assignment, I got into a discussion with a very dear friend of mine and we began talking about music, My friend said, "Music is a map… that has no territory. It’s a guide to one’s inner being. It’s destination is to you, it functions as a guide through a journey into time but has no boundaries. It keeps time, but is timeless! " I thought that was a perfect symbolism for what Korzybski was trying to say, and it fit me to a tee. I'm a formally taught musician, in some ways that is great, knowing how to read music, its key signatures, modes, chord structures ( THE MAP) and so on will help you learn how to play and sing millions of cover tunes and classical masterpieces. But when writing a piece of music, knowing all of those things can sometimes be inhibiting and keep you from freely expressing yourself and exploring things you may not have otherwise had, had you just gone on some wild uninhibited road trip into an unknown mode, chord structure or key signature ( territory) and just played freely and let your emotions take over. By putting away all the sheet music and formal books and just playing by ear and by feeling , I am creating a new reality within my world of knowledge of music. I am creating my own reality within reality itself. No one can tell me I am off the map, because I am on my own road, and in my own territory. "My piano keys and guitar strings are my map...and the words in my head write the road I am on, carrying me into territories that only my fingers know how to find."